New one-year MBA program at Cornell NYC Tech

The Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell announced today (July 22) a new MBA program at Cornell NYC Tech that fuses business, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in a fast-paced, hands-on learning environment.

Johnson’s rigorous, one-year, full-time MBA program combines business and technology in New York City – one of the world’s most dynamic commerce and digital business hubs.

“We’re creating a program that addresses the fact that technology has changed the way business is done. It’s not about adding technology courses to an existing MBA, but about developing a new education and learning experience for business leaders in the digital economy,” said Soumitra Dutta, the Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean of Johnson at Cornell.

“The MBA from Johnson is a vital part of our effort to create a new model of tech education that brings the energy, entrepreneurial spirit and innovation of the tech ecosystem directly onto campus,” said Daniel P. Huttenlocher, dean of Cornell NYC Tech. “The MBA students will benefit from working alongside technical students, faculty and researchers, and the entire campus will be enriched by the perspective of business students.”

The MBA program at Cornell Tech takes full advantage of the university’s top-ranked programs in business, computing and engineering in a community that inspires entrepreneurship. Students will be immersed in New York City’s flourishing tech ecosystem, where they will work on projects with global business and startup ventures. They will complete course work in the foundational disciplines of business, with an emphasis on the skills and knowledge needed to create business value in the digital economy. Courses will include design thinking, global venturing, leading innovation, big data opportunities and managing technology disruptions, among others.

The new program at Cornell Tech is intended for those with a degree in science or technology, as well as relevant work experience, who want to enhance their business knowledge and who desire leadership opportunities in the digital economy. The inaugural class will begin in May 2014 in Ithaca, with the following two semesters at Cornell Tech, which is now housed in Google’s New York City building in Chelsea, until the permanent campus on Roosevelt Island is completed in 2017. They will graduate in May 2015 with a deep understanding of how technology is changing the way business works, and as leaders ready to start innovative businesses and transform organizations.

Applications will be accepted starting August 2013 and reviewed on a rolling basis.

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Syl Kacapyr