Faculty and staff receive Research and Extension Awards

The recipients of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and the College of Human Ecology (CHE) 2007 Research and Extension Awards include an entomologist who recently had a cabbage named in his honor, an animal scientist who is one of the most highly cited science authors in the world and a team devoted to preventing the abuse and neglect of children in institutional care around the globe.

The awards, given in a ceremony Nov. 19, celebrate the accomplishments of outstanding faculty and extension professionals.

"The colleagues we recognize today exemplify the ideals of our land-grant mission and our quest for discovery," said Susan A. Henry, the Ronald P. Lynch Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

The 2007 CALS awards and recipients for 2007 are:

  • Career Accomplishments: Dale Bauman, an animal scientist whose 600-plus research publications have had global reach, is the second-most highly cited author in agricultural science in the world for the decade from 1996 to 2006, according to Science Watch.
  • Applied Research: New York State Agricultural Experiment Station-Geneva entomologist Anthony Shelton's work with cabbage, onion and other vegetable pests has vastly aided growers, and Dave Barbano, food science, has helped New York's dairy industry increase sales and improve the quality of milk and milk products.
  • Basic Research: John Lis, molecular biology and genetics, has had a major impact on the way scientists think about transcriptional control and RNA processing and the tools used to study biology.
  • Extension/Outreach: Andrew Landers, entomology (Geneva), has helped develop an innovative program on pesticide application technology. He speaks about application techniques to more than 4,000 people a year.
  • Extension/Outreach: The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System team, including Larry Chase, Danny Fox, Thomas Overton and Michael Van Amburgh, developed an industry model for dairy feed and manure management that has improved cost, efficiency and the environmental impact of dairy farms. The model has been adopted by government agencies.
  • Extension/Outreach: The Cornell Waste Management Institute, including team members Ellen Harrison, Jean Bonhotal, Mary Schwarz and Lauri Wellin, has influenced such recent policy issues as adoption of new fertilizer rules in New York that address composts, national and state standards for composting livestock mortalities, regulations for use of sewage sludges and standards for soil cleanup.
  • Outstanding Service to CALS: Bill Fry, plant pathology.

The 2007 CHE awards and recipients are:

  • Career Accomplishments: Mark Pierce, design and environmental analysis, addresses the impact of poor indoor air quality for low-income New Yorkers.
  • Extension/Outreach and Public Policy: Rick Geddes, policy analysis and management, has contributed to public policy directions in the areas of transportation, postal reform, economics, pensions, airlines and corporate governance.
  • Extension/Outreach: The Residential Child Care Project Team develops, disseminates and conducts training to prevent the abuse and neglect of children who reside in treatment, educational and correctional institutions.
  • Outstanding Community Public Service: Jennifer Wilkins, nutritional sciences, leads extension activities that help improve human nutrition through the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, sound public policies, healthy dietary behavior and access to affordable, local healthy foods.

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