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Harrison College Scholars tackle interdisciplinary research projects

Does activism around one local environmental issue cause people to become more active around climate issues in general? Is there discrimination at work in the verification process of some social media platforms? Do Asian Americans and African Americans have more empathy toward each other because they’ve both experienced unfair treatment?

These are some of the questions this year’s graduating class of Robert S. Harrison College Scholars have been studying since they were accepted into the program as sophomores. They presented their final theses during a daylong event May 7 in Goldwin Smith Hall, the culmination of their work as part of the selective program in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Harrison College Scholars design their own interdisciplinary majors, organized around a question or issue of interest, and pursue courses of study that cannot be found in an established major. They work closely with faculty and program advisers to choose their classes and design these independent senior projects.

Read the full story about the Harrison College Scholar presentations on the Arts & Sciences website.

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