Gleeson, Lyon lead project studying labor migration programs

A seven-year, multi-university partnership will examine migrant workers and international mobility programs in New Zealand, also known as Aotearoa, Australia, Canada and the U.S.

Around Cornell

First JFI-Brooks Fellowships fund studies of government anti-poverty programs and AI policy

The first JFI-Brooks Fellowships scholars will research regulatory frameworks for artificial intelligence and the long-term impact of welfare reform-era policy changes on recipients and their children.

Around Cornell

Computer scientist to give lecture on AI in health care

Fei-Fei Li, co-director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute, will discuss AI’s role in improving patient safety in health care in the annual Cornell Center for Social Sciences Distinguished Lecture in the Social Sciences, on Oct. 5 in Statler Auditorium.

Theme year kickoff to explore free expression fundamentals

Cornell legal experts will review the fundamentals of free expression during a Sept. 7 panel discussion kicking off the university’s theme year, “The Indispensable Condition: Freedom of Expression at Cornell.”

School-based health clinics benefit rural NYS communities

In a rural part of upstate New York, students with access to school-based health centers received more medical care and missed less school, Cornell researchers found.

Opera celebrates friendship of Scalia and Ginsburg ’54

The Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy will present “Scalia/Ginsburg,” a one-act comedic opera about the unlikely friendship between U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg ’54 and Antonin Scalia, on Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Room of Willard Straight Hall.

Young African leaders find inspiration, confidence at Cornell

A cohort of 25 Mandela Washington Fellows spent the summer on campus developing their leadership and expertise, in a program they said will have enduring impact on their lives and work.

Bringing new science to market

Professor Sean Nicholson, director of the Cornell Sloan Program in Health Administration, explores the future of biopharma with industry experts in the Keynote webcast “Bringing New Science to Market.”

Around Cornell

NYC faculty discuss equity, community ownership

Faculty in Cornell’s Action Research Collaborative (ARC) joined New York City and State policymakers and community members for ARC’s second symposium on June 22. The annual symposium is an opportunity for researchers, policymakers and community stakeholders to share their knowledge and advance equity in areas like nutrition and health, housing and social services, and youth development. 

Around Cornell