Scientists sequence genome of classical Hodgkin lymphoma

A team of researchers has sequenced the genome of classical Hodgkin lymphoma, illuminating exactly which proteins are altered in individual patients. The findings could pave the way to delivering personalized treatments.

Nobel laureate Harold Varmus to join Weill Cornell April 1

Dr. Harold Varmus, director of the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health, is internationally recognized for his research on retroviruses and the genetic basis of cancer.

Disease-carrying fleas abound on New York City's rats

Rats in New York City were found to carry a flea species capable of transmitting plague pathogens, according to a new study from a team of researchers from Cornell and Columbia.

Doctors nonsurgically correct infant ear deformities

A team of researchers at Weill Cornell has improved a nonsurgical procedure that safely and effectively corrects newborn ear deformities in just two weeks.

Weill Cornell brings innovative approach to TB research

With a new NIH grant, investigators in the Tuberculosis Research Unit hope to catalyze research findings made in the lab and at Weill Cornell's GHESKIO clinic in Haiti into new, effective agents to replace current TB therapies.

Preventing one case of HIV saves over $225K, study shows

How much money would be saved if one high-risk person was prevented from contracting HIV in the United States? A new Weill Cornell study provides the answer.

UN officials brief Cornell students on new global tasks

In an exclusive symposium designed for Cornell students, officials from the United Nations detailed a new 15-year initiative on battling climate change worldwide.

Big Red road show unearths treasures in New York City

Hundreds of Cornellians participated in a Big Red version of the "Antiques Road Show" Feb. 6 in New York City. Among the donated items is a piece of the goal post from Penn's Franklin Field taken down in the wake of a famous Cornell football win in 1958.

Cornell Tech’s Huttenlocher named to Corning board

Dan Huttenlocher, vice provost and dean of Cornell Tech, has been appointed to Corning Incorporated’s board of directors, effective Feb. 3. Huttenlocher will serve on the board’s finance and audit committees.