Federal labor officials and union leaders to attend National Partnership Council meeting at Cornell Oct. 8

Janice R. Lachance, deputy director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, will be joined by other Clinton administration officials and representatives of labor unions representing federal workers in a visit to Cornell on Oct. 8, for a meeting of the National Partnership Council.

Four-legged 'Cornell Companions' draw kids out of their shells in Veterinary College's animal-assisted therapy program

Just when the world's getting really confusing and you're not feeling good about yourself, when it seems nobody will listen -- or even sit when you tell them to -- along come the Cornell Companions.

Nominations sought for Tompkins County's 'Big Trees' Search

Cornell Plantations and other tree-friendly groups in Tompkins County are gearing up for the third annual Big Tree Search, a contest that aims for year-round tree appreciation. Nov. 15, 1997, is the deadline for the nomination of trees that may be the largest of their species in Tompkins County.

Vet College researchers seek 'spraying' cats for study of new treatment

Cats with the annoying habit of spraying urine on vertical surfaces are needed at the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine for a clinical trial of a new treatment.

Cornell Police arrest two students for April 1 gorge prank

Acting on an anonymous tip, Cornell Police have charged two freshman students with reckless endangerment in connection with an April Fools' Day prank in which the students allegedly placed a dummy at the bottom of Cascadilla Gorge.

Collegetown cleanup by residents and students set for April 19

Cornell students, including members of fraternities and sororities, and Collegetown residents will clean up the streets of Collegetown on Saturday, April 19.

Oliver North to give a lecture at Cornell University on April 14

Lt. Col. Oliver L. North will give a free and public lecture at Cornell on Monday, April 14, at 8 p.m. in Statler Hall Auditorium. Titled "The New Conservative Covenant."

Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott to discuss NATO at Cornell, April 24

Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, one of the key architects of a radically changing NATO, will give a free and public lecture titled "A New NATO, A New Europe" at Cornell on  April 24.

Tree-climbing researcher knows exactly how far the crow flies

Much too common for some people's tastes and largely neglected by ornithologists, the plain old American crow gets special attention from one Cornell University researcher.