Managed-care organizations are less effective in securing hospital discounts

Examining data for 1990 to 2003, Cornell Professor William White and other researchers found that discounts secured by managed-care organizations declined between 2001 and 2003. (March 13, 2008)

Research on multiple sclerosis and protecting skin in frigid temperatures are highlights of BioExpo 2008

The student-run 2008 Annual Bioengineering Expo at Cornell, on March 5, featured a career fair, poster session, refreshments, speakers and a research poster competition.

Architecture studio to visit 2010 World Cup sites in Johannesburg, South Africa

A Cornell Master in Architecture program studio will visit the 2010 World Cup sites in conjunction with their design projects addressing the challenges of a global event for its host country.

$6 million research lab will produce ethanol and other biofuels from grasses and biomass

Construction has begun on a state-of-the art Biofuels Research Lab that will convert perennial grasses and woody biomass into ethanol thanks to a $10 million grant awarded to Professor Larry Walker. (March 6, 2008)

Cornell researchers win $3.7 million in grants to help create vibrant New York agricultural future

The 27 projects funded by the New York Farm Viability Institute are designed to produce measurable results at the farm level and create a vibrant and viable agricultural industry statewide. (March 6, 2008)

One-third of men have endured the painful procedure -- all for evolutionary purpose, says researcher

The reason that almost 25 percent of indigenous societies practice some form of male genital cutting may be to reduce pregnancies from extramarital sex and reduce conflict among men, says researcher. (March 6, 2008)

Secure voting systems may result from federal grant <br />to computer scientist

Assistant Professor Rafael Pass has received a five-year, $450,000 award from the National Science Foundation to conduct research that could lead to secure online voting systems and improved Internet security overall. (March 5, 2008)

Rural preschoolers get short shrift in access to early education programs

Rural preschoolers in poor communities in New York state have significantly less access to quality early education programs than their urban and suburban counterparts, finds a new Cornell study. (March 3, 2008)

Business as usual not an option for rescuing world food system, says Cornell's Pinstrup-Andersen

The global food system is in disarray: Prices of fuel and food are skyrocketing; weather is wreaking havoc; and subsidies are misdirected. There is an urgent need for new policy priorities, says Per Pinstrup-Andersen in a Cornell Perspectives piece. (March 3, 2008)