Electrified charcoal ‘sponge’ can soak up CO2 directly from air

Researchers have developed a low-cost, energy-efficient method for making materials that can capture carbon dioxide directly from the air.

Around Cornell

ALI announces 2024-2027 postdoctoral fellowship recipients

The Active Learning Initiative has awarded three postdoctoral fellowships to support a teaching postdoctoral fellow as they work with a team of faculty members in departments that want to take a more systematic or holistic approach to introducing active learning into their courses.

Around Cornell

‘Cloaked’ proteins deliver cancer-killing therapeutics into cells

An interdisciplinary collaboration has designed a way to “cloak” proteins so they can be captured by lipid nanoparticles and delivered into living cells, where the proteins uncloak and exert their therapeutic effect.

Outstanding A&S teachers, advisers honored with 2024 awards

Among the faculty members being recognized this year for exceptional teaching and mentorship are Liliana Colanzi, Durba Ghosh, and Nick Admussen.

Around Cornell

Students transmit health care data without cell service, internet

Using low-frequency radio waves to send blood pressure data, a group of students has provided a proof of concept that could enable in-home health care for people without cellular or broadband access.

Lai receives Brouwer Career Award in astronomy

The award recognizes Dong Lai’s “formidable and broad contributions to astrophysical dynamics, his outstanding mentoring record, and his wide-ranging professional service activities.”

Around Cornell

Study maps human uptake of microplastics across 109 countries

Southeast Asian countries top the global per capita list of dietary uptakes of microplastics, while China, Mongolia and the United Kingdom top the list of countries that breathe the most microplastics, according to a new study mapping microplastic uptake across 109 countries.

Droplets swim to dissolution, could inspire fluid microbots

Microscopic liquid droplets in the form of bovine serum albumin condensates swim toward solvent conditions that favor their dissolution, a mechanism that may underlie some transport processes within living cells, and could be exploited to develop fluid micro robots.

Around Cornell

Houlton to Vatican climate summit: Ag is ‘most powerful weapon’

At last week’s Vatican climate change meeting, Ben Houlton (CALS) spoke on how the global agricultural sector could remove large volumes of atmospheric carbon.