Replica theory shows deep neural networks think alike

A collaboration between researchers from Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania found that most successful deep neural networks follow a similar trajectory in the same “low-dimensional” space.

3D reflectors help boost data rate in wireless communications

Researchers developed a semiconductor chip that will enable ever-smaller devices to operate at the higher frequencies needed for future 6G communication technology.

Grad student grants support sustainability, biodiversity

Awarded graduate students will study sustainability, biodiversity, accelerating energy transitions, advancing human health, increasing food security or addressing climate change.

Ice shell thickness reveals water temp on ocean worlds

Decades before any probe dips a toe – and thermometer – into the waters of distant ocean worlds, Cornell astrobiologists have devised a way to determine ocean temperatures based on the thickness of their ice shells, effectively conducting oceanography from space.

Gender can shape how TAs are evaluated, study finds

Male teaching assistants are more likely to receive higher ratings than their female counterparts, and both genders are perceived as more valuable when exhibiting traits historically associated with their respective roles in society, a Cornell study finds.

Six early-career professors win NSF development awards

Researchers studying large-scale artificial intelligence, microbial biomanufacturing and causal inference methods are among the Cornell researchers who recently received National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Awards.

Spring 2024 Bethe Lecture bridges physics and computer science

During three events March 13-15, Lenka Zdeborová will explore how principles from statistical physics provide insights into challenging computational problems.

Around Cornell

Joachims, Myers receive prestigious named professorships

Thorsten Joachims and Andrew Myers, two faculty members in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science and leading researchers in the field of computer science have each received named professorships.

Around Cornell

Freshmen win top prize at digital ag hackathon

More than 120 students took part in the Digital Agriculture Hackathon, sponsored by the Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture and Entrepreneurship at Cornell.

Around Cornell