New research on microbes expands the known limits for life

The research shows how changes in salinity may affect life in aquatic habitats on Earth and widens the possibilities for where life may be found throughout our solar system.

Around Cornell

Fastest swimming insect could inspire uncrewed boat designs

Whirligig beetles – the world’s fastest-swimming insect – achieve surprising speeds by employing a strategy shared by fast-swimming marine mammals and water fowl.

Cornell light sail to deploy on International Space Station

A light sail, which uses the momentum of sunlight to travel through space and could one day propel small spacecraft through interstellar realms, is headed to the International Space Station for testing on behalf of Cornell’s Space Systems Design Studio.

In chatty midshipman fish, the midbrain awakens a gift of gab

For talkative midshipman fish, the midbrain plays a key role in patterning trains of sounds and may serve as a model for how mammals, including humans, control vocal expression.

Biogas can help the world cook sustainably, professor tells COP28

While more than 2 billion people in developing countries still cook with traditional fuels that yield greenhouse gas, a Cornell professor advised COP28 to support small-scale biogas.

Little bacterium may make big impact on rare-earth processing

A hard-working bacterium may soon have a large influence on processing rare-earth elements that help run smartphones, electric cars and wind turbines in an eco-friendly way.

Klarman Fellow: Studying electron interactions with ultrafast lasers

New experimental tools developed by Hongyuan Li give insight into an exponentially complicated world.

Around Cornell

DOE funds new research to advance computer chip technology

Cornell researchers are part of a project to enable sustainable hardware for AI and quantum computing, one of 11 projects selected by DOE to receive a total of $73 million.

Around Cornell

Long-lost Moog synthesizer finally makes it to the stage

A piece of synthesizer history has been given an unexpected second life at Cornell, after eight months of meticulous and often confounding work by a group of synthesizer builders.