'Mad cow' agent merits further study, Cornell Author of new book compares human, animal forms of spongiform encephalopathies

Maddening cow disease might be a better name, so frustrating is the causative agent with its apparent ability to move among species. Not to mention the public- health dilemmas facing authorities in Great Britain, where a cattle disease called bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, may have infected humans.

Cornell to lead new consortium in transportation research for the NYS Department of Transportation

Researchers in Civil and Environmental Engineering and other disciplines are helping New York state address a broad range of transportation problems. The three-year contract has an anticipated budget of $1 million per year.

Salmonellosis and iguanas go hand-in-foot, Children, elderly are most at-risk from pet lizards' bacterial infections

Pet owners intrigued by the exotic are getting something extra with their imported iguanas -- exotic forms of Salmonella bacteria that can cause life-threatening illness in humans, Cornell University veterinary researchers are finding.

New switching technology delivers multimedia Cornell is considering it to replace its telephone system

New technology being developed at Cornell could bring multimedia communications to your desktop computer a lot sooner -- and at a much lower cost -- than anyone expected.

Cornell study to assess New York workers' compensation managed care program

A Cornell study may have the last word on whether a reform of New York workers' compensation program would save money and ensure quality medical care. The pilot program requires employees of participating companies who are injured at work to seek medical care from a managed care organization rather than from their family physicians.

Growers gain a Cornell-tested, environmentally friendlier strategy in their Integrated Pest Management program

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted a one-year approval for a novel plant protectant that has been tested at Cornell University as a seed coating for onions. This new treatment promises to help save New York's onion crop, providing that it can gain full approval for use beyond 1996.

Laser scanning microscope images activity, behavior of single

Medical researchers who want to study the microscopic distributions of key proteins, DNA, messenger signals, metabolic states and molecular mobility have a new tool that can show the activity and behavior of living cells under a variety of conditions.