More carbon in soil can control weeds, in some cases

Cornell researchers have tested an ecological tool in the fight to control weeds in silage soybean and corn fields: adding carbon to soil in the form of sawdust and rye hay.

Solidarity from below: A leftist’s guide to the U.S.-China rivalry

Workers and socially marginalized people in both countries should pressure leaders not to ratchet up rhetoric and to center solidarity across borders, ILR's Eli Friedman argues in a new book.

More complaints, worse performance when AI monitors work

Employees prefer human oversight to AI surveillance – unless the technology can be framed as supporting their development, new Cornell research finds.

Cornell inventors celebrated at cross-campus event

Cornell inventors are turning visionary ideas into tangible solutions to global challenges. Cornell’s Center for Technology Licensing celebrated their achievements at its inaugural Bearers of Innovation event.

Around Cornell

Dirty cooking fuels pose major threat to infants in India

A new paper quantifies the impact of cooking fuel choice on indoor air pollution and early childhood mortality in India.

USDA breaks ground on $70M lab for grape research at AgriTech

The National Grape Improvement Center is expected to propel innovation, foster collaboration and revolutionize grape production nationwide.

Predicting chronic wasting disease in counties could prevent spread

Wildlife experts have developed a regional computer model – and user friendly app – that predicts counties where wildlife managers should target their surveillance of chronic wasting disease in deer.   

Reminders boosted COVID vaccine uptake; free rides did not

A study involving more than 3.6 million people who’d already received COVID vaccinations found that offering free Lyft rides to a vaccination site was no more enticing than simply reminding people of the importance of getting boosted.

Impact of dietary fiber varies from person to person

Nutritionists generally advise everyone to eat more dietary fiber, but a new study suggests that its effects on health can vary, suggesting that recommendations should be tailored to each individual’s gut microbiome.