MBA students coach Dyson undergrads consulting for business clients

Students in this year's Grand Challenges Project helped businesses that decrease hunger and food waste, including dreaming up product ideas for a company that makes snacks out of edible insects.

Iconic wines class gets better with age

"Introduction to Wines” marks 50 years of teaching Cornellians about the finer points of wine.

Services to continue during Olin Library renovations

Major renovations to its first floor and basement are slated to transform the iconic 62-year-old Olin Library.

New group unites, empowers female students of color

The student group Women Leaders of Color hosts events open to all students and aims to increase representation of women of color in leadership positions across professions.

Classes, community show ‘Ukraine is not only a country at war’

A few times a week, songs from Ukraine can be heard coming from a classroom in Goldwin Smith Hall, as Cornell’s Ukrainian program brings the country’s culture to campus through language learning, folk tradition and history.

The Conservation Lab: Preserving the future of research and discovery

Learn about the library's conservation experts and how they protect rare books for research and teaching.

Around Cornell

Entrepreneurs talk about disruption, growth and the power of AI

Cornell entrepreneurs shared wisdom, advice and ideas during Eclectic Convergence 2023 at Cornell Tech in New York City.

Around Cornell

Laidlaw scholars build global communities

The Laidlaw Leadership and Research Program at Cornell develops students into ethical leaders and global citizens. The program, hosted by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, strengthens students’ research and leadership skills over two years through work on international research projects, leadership training, participation in hands-on learning experiences, and global networking.

Around Cornell

Technology Repair Fair helps people doctor their devices, not dump them

The Technology Repair Fair helped visitors repair, reuse, or recycle their old devices, while bringing attention to the environmental impacts of computing.

Around Cornell