Misperceptions can threaten scientific advancement

Misperceptions of marginalized and disadvantaged communities’ level of concern regarding COVID-19 and other issues could undermine cooperation and trust needed to address collective problems, according to new Cornell-led research.

Children’s stress declined with vaccine rollout

Adult vaccination rates and social determinants of health – the social and economic conditions in which families live and work – have played an important role in children’s mental health during the pandemic, according to a new study led by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators.

Pandemic worsened inequality for migrant fishers

The pandemic has exacerbated problems facing international fishing industry workers including a decline in employment due to temporary port closures, wage theft, lack of personal protective equipment and their exclusion from pandemic relief programs.

Expanded virtual outreach draws diverse Class of 2026

In its third application cycle shaped by COVID-19, Cornell has attracted record interest, admitting a talented, diverse Class of 2026 from a broader range of places than ever before.

Study Away helped Cornell students forge, keep connections

Study Away, a residential option created by Global Cornell for international students who could not travel to campus, has helped many fight isolation and build a sense of belonging at Cornell.

Boosters highly effective against COVID hospitalization, death

Booster doses of mRNA vaccines provided strong protection against hospitalization and death from COVID-19 in Qatar, according to a study by investigators at Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar.

Pandemic prompted exodus from New York City, gains upstate

An analysis of newly released census data by the Cornell Program on Applied Demographics shows how the pandemic’s onset influenced populations in each New York state county.

Delayed consciousness is common for COVID patients on respirators

Most patients with severe COVID who are put on ventilators regain consciousness after removal of respiratory support, but recovery may take weeks after the period of mechanical ventilation has ended, according to a new study.

Pfizer executive describes making the impossible, possible

Pfizer Group President Angela Hwang MBA '94 and Cornell University President Martha E. Pollack discussed Hwang's leadership and Pfizer’s journey to help combat COVID-19 at the 2022 Hatfield lecture.