How Pradeep Ambrose helped fight a COVID surge and became a “great friend to Bermuda”

Cornell connections led virology scientist and MBA grad Pradeep Ambrose to help Bermuda grapple with a COVID surge and serve as interim science advisor.

Around Cornell

Cornell announces booster requirement for spring semester

Cornell will require all students, faculty and staff to have a COVID-19 vaccine and booster as part of comprehensive vaccination. The booster requirement must be met by Jan. 31, or 30 days after becoming eligible.

Shifting meetings, conventions online curbs climate change

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown humanity a new way to reduce climate change: Nix in-person conventions. Putting meetings online can reduce carbon footprints by 94%, says a Cornell study.

‘Plagues and People’ class gives context for the pandemic

The popular biennial Plagues and People course focuses on epidemics in history that have had the biggest impacts on human culture and society.

Ithaca campus moving to alert level red

President Martha E. Pollack announced the Ithaca campus is moving to alert level red on Dec. 14, following a rise in cases of COVID-19 among the student population.

Additional restrictions follow rise in COVID-19 cases

Cornell administrators announced additional restrictions following a concerning rise in COVID-19 cases.

Ithaca campus moving to COVID alert level yellow

Cornell administrators announced that the university would be changing its COVID-19 alert level to yellow following an increase in the number of positive cases on campus.

ESG pressure takes center stage at the 2021 Emerging Markets Institute conference

Emerging markets are making progress in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts but also face hurdles, including metrics and governance.

Around Cornell

Q&A: Tips for beating burnout, optimizing recovery

Vanessa Bohns, a social psychologist and professor of organizational behavior at the ILR School, says there are ways – starting with intentional rest and recovery – to recalibrate after nearly two years of a pandemic-induced, always-on work mindset.