Cornell to ease mask requirements March 14

Administrators announced that Cornell is initiating a phased approach to relaxing mask requirements, effective March 14.

ILR School tracks scope of 2021 US labor unrest

When the ILR Labor Action Tracker kicked off in early 2021, no one anticipated the pace of workplace activism that ensued. Findings include about 265 actions, such as strikes, with more actions in the South than elsewhere.

$9.8M NIH Grant drives clinical research into long COVID

Weill Cornell Medicine has been awarded a $9.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to lead a consortium of health care institutions that are analyzing nationwide health data in an effort to unravel the complexities of long COVID.

Fact checks effectively counter COVID misinformation

Journalistic fact checks are a more effective counter to COVID-19 misinformation than the false news tags commonly used by social media outlets, according to new Cornell research.

Economist helps solve COVID-19 missing data problems

Professor of economics Jörg Stoye proposes new methods of deriving the prevalence of a disease when only partial data is available — with applications for epidemiology and public health policy.

Lund Debate examines migration, global public health

This year’s Lund Critical Debate, “Migration in the Age of Pandemics,” on February 16 will explore ways to promote the best public health outcomes worldwide and protect human rights, as waves of people cross national borders.

Volunteer scientists change opinions about vaccines

Vaccination Conversations with Scientists, a group of more than 100 Cornell scientist volunteers educating the public about vaccines, is reporting success in shifting unvaccinated people’s beliefs about the shots.

Existing drug may protect against COVID lung injury

An FDA-approved drug that has been in clinical use for more than 70 years may protect against lung injury in severe COVID-19 cases, according to a preclinical study from researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

COVID-19 community surveillance project launches

Researchers at the College of Veterinary Medicine, in collaboration with the Tompkins County Health Department and Cayuga Health System, are conducting a COVID-19 community health survey to estimate levels of COVID infection and immunity in the county.

Around Cornell