Enjoying nature shown to lower inflammation levels

Plenty of studies link exposure to the natural world and improved mental and physical health, but a new Cornell study connects enjoyment of nature to a specific biological process – inflammation.

Brooks School Tech Policy Institute focuses on intersection of national security and tech policy

We live in an era in which rapid technological change shifts the global security balance in real time. No one knows that better than Sarah Kreps, director of the Brooks School Tech Policy Institute (BTPI), and John L. Wetherill Professor in the Department of Government in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Around Cornell

Johnson Museum exhibit considers migration and its effects

At Cornell’s Johnson Museum of Art, the work of renowned artist Guadalupe Maravilla is on display in the same space as that of Ingrid Hernandez-Franco, a Salvadoran woman whose asylum case was championed by a Cornell professor and her students.

Around Cornell

Three faculty members elected AAAS fellows

Cornell faculty members Ailong Ke, David Shmoys and Martin T. Wells have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society.

What’s behind canned wine’s rotten egg smell? Cornell team IDs culprit

Cornell food scientists are working with wineries, manufacturers and New York state to eliminate the “off” aroma in some canned wines by subtly altering the product’s formulation and packaging.

State-of-the-art techniques to reduce climate-warming cow methane

New climate-controlled animal respiration stalls in CALS – the only ones currently operating in the U.S. – will allow researchers to measure, verify and monitor methane and other gas emissions from cows.

In search for alien life, purple may be the new green

Purple bacteria is one of the primary contenders for life that could dominate a variety of Earth-like planets orbiting different stars, and would produce a distinctive "light fingerprint," Cornell scientists report.

Solar energy can uplift rural Ethiopians, but is hard to come by

Barriers to adopting solar power persist among rural communities in Ethiopia, where solar panels can promote health and education. 

AI-powered ‘sonar’ on smartglasses tracks gaze and facial expressions 

Cornell researchers have developed two technologies that track a person’s gaze and facial expressions through sonar-like sensing.